Special Procedure to Start SPSS v28 on VLab

SPSS on VLab may require an additional step when you start the program.  This step is new and may NOT be required every time you start SPSS on VLab.  


  1. If you do not have the Workspace App installed, use the following links to install the Workspace App depending on type of computer
    1. Workspace App Installation Instructions for Windows
    2. Workspace App Installation Instructions for Mac
  2. Log into VLAB through the Workspace App
  3. If not on the desktop, click the + sign on the left side of the window.
    1. Click on the "IBM SPSS Statistics".
    2. It will move to your Workspace App Desktop.
  4. Click on "IBM SPSS Statistics" icon to start the program.
  5. Wait for the program to start up.
  6. You will periodically see a screen like this:
  7. If you see this screen, CLICK ON "Apply Existing License".   DO NOT CLICK ON "Login with IBM ID".  You DO NOT need an IBM ID to use SPSS on VLab. 
    ********************CLICK on "Apply Existing License" ********************************
  8. Once you click on "Apply Existing License", you will be see the familiar "Welcome to IBM SPSS Statistics" page.  From here you should be able to access your files from your personal system or OneDrive.


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Article ID: 136995
Wed 8/18/21 4:53 PM
Thu 8/19/21 1:15 PM