Troubleshooting Steps for Canvas Exams Proctored by Proctorio for NURSING DEPARTMENT ONLY


Steps for troubleshooting issues with Canvas exams proctored by Proctorio (subscription version ONLY) NURSING DEPARTMENT ONLY


Troubleshooting Steps for Canvas Exams Proctored by Proctorio

Note:  It may take up to 10 minutes to get into an exam, so do not refresh your screen while the exam is loading. If the exam does not load after 10 minutes, use the troubleshooting steps below. 

  1. Clear browser cache and cookies. Reference the article at this link for details:
  2. Ensure you are using an up-to-date version of Google Chrome. Note: Proctorio requires Google Chrome. Do not use other browsers.
  3. Ensure you followed the "Setting up Proctorio" steps on the Proctorio Support Page:
  4. Reboot your computer.
  5. Ask the others in your home or in your location to refrain from connecting to the WiFi while you are taking your exams.  If others need to connect to the WiFi, ask them to refrain from video streaming, gaming, or other high internet bandwidth usage activities. This will help to maximize internet speed.

If you are still unsuccessful, contact Proctorio.

Proctorio Support Resources--this is for the PAID subscription by the Nursing Department ONLY

Proctorio Student Guide and Background Information

What is Proctorio?

  • Proctorio is an advanced integrity platform whose services are used to proctor online exams. Proctorio helps maintain the integrity of exams and keeps students accountable to your academic integrity policies.

Why are we using Proctorio?

  • Proctorio is an easy-to-use system that operates within your web browser, allowing you to take your exam anywhere while still being proctored.
  • Taking an exam in Proctorio allows students to become familiar with proctoring for certification and NCLEX exams.

How will I use Proctorio?

  1. First thing you will need to do is follow this link and download Google Chrome and the Proctorio Google extension.
  2. Proctorio integrates into Canvas, so you will access your exam right inside your course. You do not need a separate browser.
  3. You may be asked to do a series of checks when you go to take your exams. These checks could be (but are not limited to): showing your student ID or giving a 360-degree view of your environment.
  4. Your computer during your exam might be limited in its functions as well. You could expect: not to be able to open additional tabs, the right-click option on your mouse to be disabled, or your exam fits your entire screen.
  5. This is a live proctoring system. You can expect that your screen and webcam will be used and recorded throughout the duration of your exam. 
  6. Only authorized University personnel will be able to review the exam recording.
  7. Proctorio has 24/7 student support. For any issues with Proctorio please contact and click on Start Live Chat icon at the bottom of the page.




Article ID: 109027
Tue 6/2/20 8:47 AM
Wed 9/18/24 3:47 PM