Share Files in OneDrive and SharePoint


Share files and folders in OneDrive, and select the appropriate settings for your situation.


One the most useful features in OneDrive and Sharepoint is the ability to share files and folders with other people. This article explains all the available options and when to use them. 

Begin Sharing Files

To begin sharing files: 

  • Navigate to OneDrive on the Web,  Navigate to your department's SharePoint storage on the Web, or open the OneDrive folder on your computer. 
  • Right-click a file or folder (or use the 3-dot menu next to the file name), and select Share.
  • Select the sharing options that best fit your needs (see Options below). 
  • Click Send if you would like OneDrive to notify the people you are sharing with about their new access, or click Copy Link to copy a sharing link to your clipboard if you would like to handle the notifications yourself.

Choose Sharing Options

Anyone with the link

Use this option if:

  • You need to share files with a large group of people, including people outside Cedarville University,
  • You would like this link to expire after a certain amount of time (See Expires, below)
  • You would like to protect access to these files with a password (See Password, below)

People in Cedarville University with the link

Use this option if:

  • You want to share files with a large group of people affiliated with Cedarville University
  • You want to require people to log in with a Cedarville University account in order to access these files.

Specific People

Use this option if:

  • You want to share files with a small group of people.
  • You have the names or email addresses of the people you'd like to share files with.

People with Existing Access

Use this option if:

  • You have already shared these files with people before, but they have lost the link
  • These files are located on SharePoint storage, and you want to send someone a link directly to the file/folder without changing any permissions

Allow Editing

Use this option if You want the people you share this document with to be able to make changes to the files

Set Expiration Date:

Use this option if you want the public link to these files to stop working after a specific date. 

Set Password: 

Use this option if you want people to have to enter a password in order to access these files.