Change Voicemail PIN on Office Phone


How to change the personal identification number (PIN) for voicemail on a University-provided office phone.


This article explains how to change the personal identification number (PIN) used to access your voicemail on a University-provided office phone.

To Change Voicemail PIN:

  1. From the extension you want to update, dial 4100.
  2. Enter your current 4-digit PIN then press #.
  3. Press 5 to select Voicemail Options.
  4. Press 5 again to Change Your Personal Identification Number.
  5. Enter your current 4-digit PIN then press #.
  6. Enter your new 4-digit PIN then press #.
  7. Enter your new 4-digit PIN again then press #.
  8. Press End Call to hang up.



Article ID: 136246
Wed 7/28/21 3:59 PM
Wed 7/28/21 4:29 PM