Tyler (TYL): Classroom Tech Cart Help Sheets


This article will help you use tech carts in a variety of Tyler classrooms.


Use the links below to quickly jump to a section in this article:


TYL 101

To turn the LCD projector on:

  1. Press the DISPLAY ON button.
  2. Wait 15-20 seconds for the projector to turn on.

To show a computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the Volume up or down arrows on the right side.

To show a laptop image:

  1. Connect your laptop to the HDMI cable.
  2. Press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the Volume up or down arrows on the right side.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To return to the image, press the MUTE button again. 

To show the document camera:

  • Press the power button on the document camera.
  • Select the software on the desktop of the desktop computer for the document camera. 

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.

Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 102

To turn the LCD projector on:

  1. Press the DISPLAY ON button.
  2. Wait 15-20 seconds for the projector to turn on.

To show a computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the Volume up or down arrows on the right side.

To show a laptop image:

  1. Connect your laptop to the HDMI cable.
  2. Press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the Volume up or down arrows on the right side.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To return to the image, press the MUTE button again. 

To show the document camera:

  • Press the power button on the document camera.
  • Select the software on the desktop of the desktop computer for the document camera. 

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.

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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 103

To turn the external display on:

  • Press the ON button. The image will appear in about 30 seconds.


To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the TECH CART PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the VOLUME knob on the panel.


To show the laptop image:

  1. Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the HDMI button.
  2. Check your laptop resolution to make sure it is 1280x800. If the image does not appear, press Window key + P on the laptop to toggle the laptop video card output.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the panel.    


To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.


To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the PIC MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the PIC MUTE button again.


To use the document camera:

  1. Press the power button on the Document Camera
  2. Press the DOC CAM Button


When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices
  3. Press the OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 104

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the POWER ON button. The image will appear in about 60 seconds.


To show the tech computer image:

  • Press the HDMI (6) button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the VOL + or VOL - button.


To show the laptop image:

  1. Attach your laptop to the provided HDMI cable, shut down the tech cart computer, and then press the HDMI (6) button.
  2. Check your laptop resolution to make sure it is 1280x800. If the image does not appear, press FN + F? (e.g., Fn + F8) on the laptop to toggle the laptop video card output.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the VOL + or VOL - button. The volume only works if the
projector is on.      


To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.


To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the AV MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the AV MUTE button again.


When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the POWER OFF button twice.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 105

To show the tech cart computer(Mac) image on the hanging TV screen:

  • Make sure input 2 is selected on the Extron switch under the tech cart.
  • Shake the mouse/type on keyboard.
  • The image will appear in about 30 seconds.


To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.


To black-out the screen:

  1. Select a different input temporarily.


When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 106

To turn the LCD projector on:

  1. Press the DISPLAY ON button.
  2. Wait 15-20 seconds for the projector to turn on.

To show a computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the Volume up or down arrows on the right side.

To show a laptop image:

  1. Connect your laptop to the HDMI cable.
  2. Press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the Volume up or down arrows on the right side.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To return to the image, press the MUTE button again. 

To show the document camera:

  • Press the power button on the document camera.
  • Select the software on the desktop of the desktop computer for the document camera. 
  • Select PC on the touch panel

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.

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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 107

To turn the TV screen on:

  • On the LG remote, press the red power button. 


To show the image for the Mac in the desk:

  • Assuming it is on, with the LG remote, press the input button and select HDMI 2.


To show the laptop image:

  1. Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then select HDMI 1 with the LG remote under input.
  2. Check your laptop resolution to make sure it is 1280x800. If the image does not appear, press FN + F? (e.g., Fn + F8) on the laptop to toggle the laptop video card output. 


To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.


When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the red power button on the LG remote. 


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 134

To turn on the TV:

  1. Use the Frame TV remote to turn the TV’s on.
  • If the TV is powered on from a full off state, you will need to press the Frame TV remote power button again.

       2. On the touch panel, press the “Press to Start” icon.

       3. Select the source you want to display.

  • Rear Wall HDMI
    • There is an HDMI cable.
  • Apple TV (Use this to connect an Apple device. Do not cast directly to the TV as the audio will not go through the room speakers)
    • To wake up the Apple TV, use the Apple TV remote and press the TV icon button.
    • Select Screen Mirroring from your Apple device.
      • Choose CU- ADV Conference Room
    • Volume is control through your Apple device and the touch panel.
    • Stop screen share when done presenting.
  • Rack PC
    • Use the wireless mouse and keyboard.

To control the volume:

Control the volume by pressing the (- or +) button on the touch panel.

  • The Source Volume bar will show the level that it is set at.
  • You must also make sure that your source audio level is turned up or down depending on the level you need.


To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.


To control the cameras:

  • Select camera 1, camera 2, or camera 3 from the touch panel. There are presets you can use and create your own.
    • To create your own:
      • Move the camera to the desired position
      • Press and hold the preset number you wish to use for 5-6 seconds.
    • Camera 1 is the wall mounted camera next to the right TV. It is the first CAM520 camera selection.
    • Camera 2 is the wall mounted camera next to the left TV. It is the third CAM520 camera selection.
    • Camera 3 is the wall mounted camera over the main door. It is the second CAM520 camera selection.

To power off the TV’s and the system:

  1. Press the power button on the remote control once.
    This will display the pictures that have been set to the TV’s.
  2. Press the power button for 2-3 seconds to fully power off the TV’s.
    You will see the picture “squeeze” to the middle and power off.
  3. One remote will power both TV’s on or off.
  4. To access menu features, you must use the remote control labeled for that TV.

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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 201

To turn the LCD projector on:

  1. Press the DISPLAY ON button.
  2. Wait 15-20 seconds for the projector to turn on.

 To show a computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, slide the volume control on the right of the touch panel.

 To show a laptop image:

  1. Connect your laptop to the provided HDMI cable.
  2. Press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, slide the volume control on the right of the touch panel.

 To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

 To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To return to the image, press the MUTE button again. 

 To show the document camera:

  • Press the power button on the document camera.
  • Locate the Ladibug software on the desktop.

 To use the lapel microphone:

  • To turn on the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button on top. A green light will come on.
  • To control the microphone volume, press the AUDIO CONTROL icon on the bottom right corner of the touch panel
  • Slide the MIC fader up or down.
  • To mute the microphone, tap the MUTE button on top of the microphone. The green light will change to amber.
  • To unmute the microphone, tap the MUTE button on top of the microphone. The amber light will change to green.
  • To turn off the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button on top.

Note: If the microphone isn’t working, replace the batteries.

 When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.

 Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2

TYL 202

To turn the LCD projector on:

  1. Press the DISPLAY ON button.
  2. Wait 15-20 seconds for the projector to turn on.

To show a computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the Volume up or down arrows on the right side.

To show a laptop image:

  1. Connect your laptop to the HDMI cable.
  2. Press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the Volume up or down arrows on the right side.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To return to the image, press the MUTE button again. 

To show the document camera:

  • Press the power button on the document camera.
  • Select the software on the desktop of the desktop computer for the document camera. 

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.

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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


TYL 203

To turn the LCD projector on:

  1. Press the DISPLAY ON button.
  2. Wait 15-20 seconds for the projector to turn on.

 To show a computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, slide the volume control on the right of the touch panel.

 To show a laptop image:

  1. Connect your laptop to the provided HDMI cable.
  2. Press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, slide the volume control on the right of the touch panel.

 To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

 To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To return to the image, press the MUTE button again. 

 To show the document camera:

  • Press the power button on the document camera.
  • Locate the Ladibug software on the desktop.

 To use the lapel microphone:

  • To turn on the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button on top. A green light will come on.
  • To control the microphone volume, press the AUDIO CONTROL icon on the bottom right corner of the touch panel
  • Slide the MIC fader up or down.
  • To mute the microphone, tap the MUTE button on top of the microphone. The green light will change to amber.
  • To unmute the microphone, tap the MUTE button on top of the microphone. The amber light will change to green.
  • To turn off the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button on top.

Note: If the microphone isn’t working, replace the batteries.

 When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.

 Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2



Article ID: 144543
Wed 6/29/22 10:00 AM
Fri 2/28/25 8:10 AM