HSC: Classroom Tech Cart Help Sheets


This article will help you use tech carts in a variety of HSC classrooms.



Use the links below to quickly jump to a section in this article:

HSC  102 - RecordingHSC 105 HSC 106 HSC 107

HSC 102 - Recording

How to record in HSC 102:

  1. Open a web browser of your choice

  2. Type the following IP addresses in the URL address bar. You will need to open a new browser tab for each room on this list

    1. for exam room #1

    2. for exam room #2

    3. for exam room #3

    4. for exam room #4

    5. for exam room #5

    6. for exam room #6

    7. for exam room #7

    8. for exam room #8

  3. When prompted for the username type “admin” and password type “admin”

  4. Each recorder is setup and ready to record your session

  5. When you are ready to start recording, in the top left corner of the webpage for the room you want to record, click START

    1. The red CH 1 will begin to flash that it is recording

    2. On the recorder itself you will see the blue and red lights flashing

  6. When you are done recording, press STOP on the webpage for the room you are recording

    1. The blue and red lights on the recorder will stop flashing as well as the red CH 1 on the webpage

  7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 to record other sessions 


Transferring video files:

When you have completed all of your video recordings for the day, you may wait until 2 am for them to automatically be uploaded to the Simulation Recordings (L:) drive or manually upload them for quicker viewing.

  1. While still logged into the Matrox Monarch LCS webpage

  2. On the bottom left side click Device

    1. This will open another page to that recorder

    2. Across the top are tabs. You will want to click “File Management”

    3. In the middle of the page “Manual File Management” you will want to click “Transfer” under the “Manual file transfer” section

  3. Please give it a few minutes depending on the number of files and the length, but your video will be on the L:\drive.

  4. You must then transfer from the general L: folder to the nursing or pharmacy folder of your choice. If you do not want it in the L: drive, you may want to transfer it to a Drive folder or OneDrive folder of your choice.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 105

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Put the DVD in the DVD player.
  2. Press the DVD button.

Note: All DVD controls are available on the touch screen.  To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show a video source:

  1. Connect the RCA cables to the front rack panel.
  2. Press the AUXILIARY button. 

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To use the document camera:

  1. Press the red button to turn the document camera on.
  2. Press the DOC CAM button.

Note: To zoom in or out, press the UP(+) arrow or DOWN(-) arrow on the document camera.

To use the lapel or handheld microphone:

  • To turn on the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button. A green light will come on.
  • To control the microphone volume, press the AUXILIARY button.
  • Press MIC button on the touch screen
  • Press the up or down arrows for the LAV or HH MIC 
  • To mute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The green light will change to amber.
  • To unmute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The amber light will change to green.
  • To turn off the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button.

Note: If the microphone isn’t working, replace the batteries.
Note: The button is on top of the lapel microphone, but on the handle of the handheld microphone.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 106

To turn the wall mounted monitor on:

  1. Check the computer to make sure it is not in sleep mode. If it is in sleep mode, wake it up.
  2. Press the TV ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the laptop image:

  1. Attach your laptop to an HDMI cable (not provided).
  2. Connect the other end of the cable to the HDMI port on the wall plate.
  3. Press the TV ON button, and then press the HDMI button.                                  

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob.

To show the computer image:

  • Press the VGA button and make sure your computer resolution is 1600x1024.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the TV OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 107

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  1. Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Put the DVD in the DVD player.
  2. Press the DVD button.

Note: All DVD controls are available on the touch screen.  To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show a video source:

  1. Connect the RCA cables to the front rack panel.
  2. Press the AUXILIARY button. 

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To use the document camera:

  1. Press the red button to turn the document camera on.
  2. Press the DOC CAM button.

Note: To zoom in or out, press the UP(+) arrow or DOWN(-) arrow on the document camera. 

To use the lapel or handheld microphone:

  • To turn on the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button. A green light will come on.
  • To control the microphone volume, press the AUXILIARY button.
  • Press MIC button on the touch screen
  • Press the up or down arrows for the LAV or HH MIC 
  • To mute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The green light will change to amber.
  • To unmute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The amber light will change to green.
  • To turn off the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button.

Note: If the microphone isn’t working, replace the batteries.
Note: The button is on top of the lapel microphone, but on the handle of the handheld microphone.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 108

To turn the wall mounted monitor on:

  1. Check the computer to make sure it is not in sleep mode. If it is in sleep mode, wake it up.
  2. Press the TV ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the laptop image:

  1. Attach your laptop to an HDMI cable (not provided).
  2. Connect the other end of the cable to the HDMI port on the wall plate.
  3. Press the TV ON button, and then press the HDMI button.                                  

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob.

To show the computer image:

  • Press the VGA button and make sure your computer resolution is 1600x1024.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the TV OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 109

To turn the wall mounted monitor on:

  1. Check the computer to make sure it is not in sleep mode. If it is in sleep mode, wake it up.
  2. Press the TV ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the laptop image:

  1. Attach your laptop to an HDMI cable (not provided).
  2. Connect the other end of the cable to the HDMI port on the wall plate.
  3. Press the TV ON button, and then press the HDMI button.                                  

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob.

To show the computer image:

  • Press the VGA button and make sure your computer resolution is 1600x1024.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the TV OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 126

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Press the DVD button. Additional DVD controls are located on the touch screen.
  2. Load the DVD.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the volume+ or volume- button on the left.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the PROJ OFF button.

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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 201

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  1. Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Put the DVD in the DVD player.
  2. Press the DVD button.

Note: All DVD controls are available on the touch screen.  To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show a video source:

  1. Connect the RCA cables to the front rack panel.
  2. Press the AUXILIARY button. 

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To use the document camera:

  1. Press the red button to turn the document camera on.
  2. Press the DOC CAM button.

Note: To zoom in or out, press the UP(+) arrow or DOWN(-) arrow on the document camera. 

To use the lapel or handheld microphone:

  • To turn on the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button. A green light will come on.
  • To control the microphone volume, press the AUXILIARY button.
  • Press MIC button on the touch screen
  • Press the up or down arrows for the LAV or HH MIC 
  • To mute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The green light will change to amber.
  • To unmute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The amber light will change to green.
  • To turn off the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button.

Note: If the microphone isn’t working, replace the batteries.
Note: The button is on top of the lapel microphone, but on the handle of the handheld microphone.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 205


To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  1. Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Put the DVD in the DVD player.
  2. Press the DVD button.

Note: All DVD controls are available on the touch screen.  To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show a video source:

  1. Connect the RCA cables to the front rack panel.
  2. Press the AUXILIARY button. 

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To use the document camera:

  1. Press the red button to turn the document camera on.
  2. Press the DOC CAM button.

Note: To zoom in or out, press the UP(+) arrow or DOWN(-) arrow on the document camera. 

To use the lapel or handheld microphone:

  • To turn on the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button. A green light will come on.
  • To control the microphone volume, press the AUXILIARY button.
  • Press MIC button on the touch screen
  • Press the up or down arrows for the LAV or HH MIC 
  • To mute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The green light will change to amber.
  • To unmute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The amber light will change to green.
  • To turn off the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button.

Note: If the microphone isn’t working, replace the batteries.
Note: The button is on top of the lapel microphone, but on the handle of the handheld microphone.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 211


To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  1. Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Put the DVD in the DVD player.
  2. Press the DVD button.

Note: All DVD controls are available on the touch screen.  To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To show a video source:

  1. Connect the RCA cables to the front rack panel.
  2. Press the AUXILIARY button. 

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To use the document camera:

  1. Press the red button to turn the document camera on.
  2. Press the DOC CAM button.

Note: To zoom in or out, press the UP(+) arrow or DOWN(-) arrow on the document camera. 

To use the lapel or handheld microphone:

  • To turn on the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button. A green light will come on.
  • To control the microphone volume, press the AUXILIARY button.
  • Press MIC button on the touch screen
  • Press the up or down arrows for the LAV or HH MIC 
  • To mute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The green light will change to amber.
  • To unmute the microphone, tap the MUTE button. The amber light will change to green.
  • To turn off the microphone, press and hold the MUTE button.

Note: If the microphone isn’t working, replace the batteries.
Note: The button is on top of the lapel microphone, but on the handle of the handheld microphone.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the DISPLAY OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 226


To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Press the DVD button. Additional DVD controls are located on the touch screen.
  2. Load the DVD.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the volume+ or volume- button on the left.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the PROJ OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 228

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Press the DVD button. Additional DVD controls are located on the touch screen.
  2. Load the DVD.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the volume+ or volume- button on the left.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the PROJ OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2

HSC 253A

To display a Windows computer on the TV display

  1. On the computer press and hold the Windows button then press the letter P at the same time.
  2. A window on the right side will appear.
  3. At the bottom of the menu, click "Connect to a wireless display".
  4. Select the [LG] webOS TV UR9000PUA.
    1. The one at the top will be the TV in the room in which you are located.
    2. If this is the first time you are connecting to the TV in a specific room like 215, you will need to Accept the screen sharing.
    3. If you have connected to this TV previously, you do not have to accept your computer.
    4. Please remember if you get a new Windows PC, you will need to re-Accept the screen share
  5. To remove the small bar at the top of your PC, click the push pin on the right side of the bar. It will disappear. To make the bar reappear, move your computer mouse to the top of the screen. 
  6. To disconnect the computer from the TV, click the disconnect text on your computer.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

HSC 301

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Press the DVD button. Additional DVD controls are located on the touch screen.
  2. Load the DVD.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the volume+ or volume- button on the left.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the PROJ OFF button.


Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 303

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Press the DVD button. Additional DVD controls are located on the touch screen.
  2. Load the DVD.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the volume+ or volume- button on the left.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the PROJ OFF button.


Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 307

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Press the DVD button. Additional DVD controls are located on the touch screen.
  2. Load the DVD.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the volume+ or volume- button on the left.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the PROJ OFF button.


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Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 308

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Press the DVD button. Additional DVD controls are located on the touch screen.
  2. Load the DVD.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the volume+ or volume- button on the left.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the PROJ OFF button.


Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 311

To turn the ceiling mounted projector on:

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Press the PC button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided, and then press the LAPTOP button.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob on the touch panel left and right

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To black-out the screen:

  1. Press the MUTE button.
  2. To display the image, press the MUTE button again.

To show a DVD video:

  1. Press the DVD button. Additional DVD controls are located on the touch screen.
  2. Load the DVD.

Note: To adjust the volume, press the volume+ or volume- button on the left.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the PROJ OFF button.


Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 312

To turn the wall mounted monitor on:

  1. Check the computer to make sure it is not in sleep mode. If it is in sleep mode, wake it up.
  2. Press the TV ON button. The image will appear in about 15 seconds.

To show the laptop image:

  1. Attach your laptop to an HDMI cable (not provided).
  2. Connect the other end of the cable to the HDMI port on the wall plate.
  3. Press the TV ON button, and then press the HDMI button.                                  

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob.

To show the computer image:

  • Press the VGA button and make sure your computer resolution is 1600x1024.

Note: To adjust the volume, turn the volume knob.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the TV OFF button.


Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 338

To turn the TVs on:

  • Press the Power button on the LG remote control.

To show the tech cart computer image:

  • Turn on the wireless mouse and keyboard.
  • Press the shift button to wake up the computer. This only works when the last user logs off.
  • If the computer does not appear on the TVs, press button 1 on the Extron switcher located on the bottom shelf in the middle of the credenza. It is the equipment on the far-right side. It is also possible that the computer was powered off, so you will need to turn it back on.

Note: To adjust the volume, use the grey volume buttons on the keyboard to turn the volume up and down.

To show the laptop image:

  • Attach your laptop to the cable provided located in the middle section of the credenza.
  • Press button 2 on the Extron switcher located on the bottom shelf in the middle section of the credenza.

Note: To adjust the volume, use your laptop volume button or the players volume control slider.

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

To use the Owl webcam for a Microsoft Teams, or Zoom call:

  • Retrieve the Owl webcam from the middle of the credenza.
  • Retrieve the USB extension cable from the middle of the credenza and extend it to the middle of the room.
    • You can use the cloth cable cover to cover the USB extension cable, so it is not a tripping hazard.
  • Plug the Micro B USB end of the cable into the Owl. It is the smaller connector.
  • Plug the Owl power cord into an outlet and the other end into the Owl.
  • Plug the USB into the USB extension cable.
  • You will see the “eyes” light up and hear a “hoot”

Note: The audio will play through the Owl. You may need to mute the computer audio so there is no feedback.

When you are done:

  1. Log off the computer properly.
  2. Remove all USB devices, videotapes and discs from their appropriate places.
  3. Press the OFF button on the LG remote control.


Need help?

Call Classroom Support at 937-766-7905 Option 2


HSC 2nd Floor Collaboration Rooms - TV Display

To power on the TV:

  • Press the button on the bottom of the TV

How to change inputs:

  • Press the button the bottom of the TV
  • Menu options will appear
  • Press again to highlight the Input icon
  • Press and hold to activate the input selection
  • It will go the next input in order
  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 to go the input you need
    • HDMI 1 is the Apple TV
    • HDMI 3 is for Windows and Android devices

To connect a Windows laptop:

  • TV should be on HDMI 3
  • Press and hold the Windows key + P
  • Select More Display Settings (Windows 11 machine)
  • Select Multiple Displays
  • Select Connect to a Wireless Display
  • Select the ScreenCast xxxxxxxx (This number is in the upper left corner of the TV)
  • You can duplicate or extend your laptop display
  • Control volume level on your laptop
  • Disconnect your laptop by
    • Press and hold the Windows key + P
    • Select Disconnect

To connect a Mac device:

  • TV should be on HDMI 1
  • Open your screen sharing app or Displays within the settings app
  • Select the room number you are located (example HSC 218)
  • Enter the access code that will be displayed on the TV
    • If the Apple TV is asleep, it will take a little time for it to wake up before it gives you the access code
    • The access code must be entered every time you want to mirror your device
  • Control volume level on your laptop
  • Stop mirroring your device when you are finished

Note: You cannot connect your Mac device to the ScreenCast. You will lose internet capabilities

To duplicate or extend the computer image to the projector or TV:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the letter P (Windows + P).
  2. A window will appear with 4 options. Select the option you wish to use:
    • Duplicate will make the local monitor and the projection screen have the same image.
    • Extended will make the local monitor and the projection screen have different images.

Power off the TV:

  • Press and hold the button on the bottom of the TV


HSC Nursing Simulation Rooms 304/307 Troubleshooting

If the laptop screen is blank and the vitals are displaying on the bed monitor:

  1. Close out of the Laerdal software
  2. Press the Windows + P buttons
  3. Switch to "Extended"
  4. Open the Laerdal software

The system should now work.




Article ID: 144544
Wed 6/29/22 10:00 AM
Fri 2/28/25 8:35 AM