Cedarville University
CloudLab is a virtual application environment that allows students to use specified CU licensed applications on their own BYOD devices. This allows students to do their assignments on or off campus without the necessity to access the applications in a lab on CU campus. This offering is cloud-based so students will not have the prerequisite requirement of an active VPN connection to use CloudLab from off campus.
CloudLab offers the following CU licensed applications:
- ArcGIS Pro
- IBM SPSS Statistics
- Management Scientist
- Maple
- MatLab
- R for Windows
- RStudio
- TK Solver 6.0
- WinOrg
How to access CloudLab!
The following links will take you to articles by Microsoft that will detail how to connect to CloudLab (Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop) from the following client types:
- ******The best option******** : Web Client -
- Windows Desktop Client -
- macOS Client -
- iOS/IpadOS Client -
- Android/Chrome OS Client -
**Two-Factor Authentication is required to access CloudLab. If you are currently not enrolled in two-factor authentication with Cedarville University, the URL will walk you through steps to enroll/setup two-factor authentication with Cedarville University: -- Click "Sign Me Up!"
Cedarville University IT dept supports both web and client based connection types. The web based connection type works well but the options to save to your BYOD devices are limited. The client based connection types will allow you to present to your BYOD device drives as options to save your work within the running applications. As always all connection options allow you to save to your Cedarville University OneDrive account.
- The first time that you use Cloudlab, it will take longer to start your desired application. There are several processes in the background that need to run for every student who uses CloudLab for the first time.
- CloudLab may require you to log in twice to access the applications. First time will be after you start the client and then the second time will be after you start the application. This is a known situation and Microsoft is working on a solution that is not ready for distribution at this time.
- When you are running an application, do not save any information to the local profile in the save option in the application. Save your information to a drive with the name "C on MYBYOD" (MYBYOD is the local computer name) or OneDrive-CU(X:). Do not save anything to the folders named "Desktop", "Documents", "Downloads", "Music", "Pictures", or "Videos". Saving information in these folders could cause log in times to CloudLab to be slower.