Kuali Build Implementation


Kuali Build is Coming to Cedarville!

What is Kuali Build?

Kuali Build is the successor to FileBoundIt's a software suite that provides flexible, dynamic forms for collecting data, and a simple, capable workflow engine for automating processes based on that data.

That’s Exciting! What can we use Kuali Build for?

First and foremost, Kuali Build will replace online forms and workflows currently provided by FileBound, but there’s so much more! Kuali Build will allow your department to use forms to collect data from students, faculty, staff, and prospects in whatever format you want to create!

When will this happen?

We know that the migration away from FileBound will take some time, so we have planned to take an entire year or so to migrate documents, forms, and workflows out of FileBound.

How long will it take for IT to make new forms?

This is the best part. Kuali Build is simple and easy to use, which means you’ll be able to create your own forms and simple workflows with just a little bit of training. You’ll no longer have to wait on IT for your forms and workflows!

Awesome! When can I start?

The IT department is working to set up Kuali Build for you right now, and training will be taking place soon. If you’d like to make sure you don’t miss any news about Kuali, send an email expressing your interest to kuali@cedarville.edu.

I’m worried about losing access to my data in FileBound. What do I Do?

Change is hard, but your friends in IT want to help this go as smoothly as possible for everyone involved. We’ll be systematically working with you to migrate your data out of FileBound, but if you have specific concerns, please let us know by emailing kuali@cedarville.edu. We'll do our best to answer your questions.



Article ID: 152975
Wed 7/19/23 10:14 AM
Wed 6/26/24 9:28 AM