Find a Person: Editing Your Info and Visibility


Editing Info

To Edit General Info:

  1. Go to myCU.
  2. Search "Update Personal Info"
  3. Click on the information you want to edit.
    Any changes you make should be reflected in Find a Person within 24 hours.

To Edit Office Location/Phone Number (Faculty/Staff):

Cedarville Information Technology maintains this information. To request a change, submit a ServeCU ticket.

To Edit Your Professional Title/Department (Faculty/Staff):

Cedarville Human Resources maintains this information. You may call 937-766-7885 or email

Editing Visibility

Go to Visibility Settings, or go to myCU>[Change Your Student/facstaff Visibility Settings].

Students, if you wish to remove yourself from Find a Person completely, you may visit the registrar's office. Keep in mind that if you sign the form they give you, Cedarville University will not be able to give out any information about you to anyone. This means that they won't be able to send your transcript to employers or other universities!