LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning is a valuable tool that students, faculty, and staff can use to build a variety of skills. Thanks to Ohio Library systems, anyone with an Ohio county library card can access LinkedIn Learning for free. 

To get an Ohio county Library Card, visit a library within Ohio with your driver's license and your student ID if you are a student. If you are unsure of where to obtain a library card, the Cedarville Community Library is a great option close to campus and within the Greene County Library system. Ohio county Public Library Cards are free for all residents of Ohio, including out-of-state students as long as they're residing in Ohio for college. Non residents will have to pay a fee to obtain a card; this fee varies depending on the library system.  You will use the thirteen-digit number on your library card and your pin for your login.

If you do not have a pin but your account is attached to an email, reset your pin. If you do not have a pin nor an email, contact the library either through a contact form, in person, or through the live chat at the bottom of the Green County Public Library Website. 

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LinkedIn Learning Benefits

Managed by Microsoft, LinkedIn Learning offers relevant, up-to-date courses in many different topics and subjects.  

Along with offering a variety for the user to choose from, LinkedIn Learning allows the user to:

  • Take courses based on the user's interest.
  • Watch step-by-step lessons on specific topics or skills. 
  • Search by skill for courses.
  • Test skills with end-of-chapter quizzes.
  • Save courses and lessons. 
  • Create and share collections.
  • Learn and apply coding skills.
  • Work alongside the instructor using downloadable exercise files. 
  • Receive brand certifications by completing courses. 

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Access LinkedIn Learning

Note: Even if you have logged in to the Ohio county's Public Library's site, you will still have to log in on the LinkedIn Learning site.

You can access Linkedin Learning through your Ohio library's website. This process will be demonstrated through the Greene County Public Library's site and thus steps 1-4 may differ depending on your library.  

To access LinkedIn Learning:

  1. Access the Greene County Public Library Site.
  2. Click the "Online Resources" tab in the navigation bar. 
  3. Click the [A-Z Resources] button in the upper-right corner. 
  4. Scroll to or click "L" in the alphabetical list to find the "LinkedIn Learning" link and click the header to open LinkedIn Learning. 
  5. Click [Get started].
  6. Log in to LinkedIn Learning with your library card number and PIN. 
  7. Choose skills you are interested in learning. As you choose skills, more will become available. If you want to add or remove skills, you can change this in the "My Goals" tab of the "My Library" section once you have finished creating your account.
  8. Set a weekly goal or click [Skip for now]. Like the skills you've set, this goal can be changed in the "My Goals" tab of the "My Library" section once you have finished creating your account. 
  9. Click [Browse My Library] to open your account. You should now have access to your LinkedIn Learning account. 

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Create a Collection

A collection is a useful way to organize lessons, even those with different topics. Collections can also be shared with others through a link, or kept private. 

To create a collection:

  1. Open the "My Library" section on the left navigation tab. You should open to see the "My Library" tab of this section. 
  2. Select "My Collections"  underneath the "My Library" tab. 
  3. Click "Create New Collection" in the upper-right corner of the tab.
  4. Type in the title and description of your new collection and click the "Create" button when finished. Your collection should now be created.
  5. Click "Share" and choose the share permission that you prefer for the collection. This change will be enacted immediately and will automatically save. You can change the permissions of collections at any time. 

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Add to a Collection

The collection you have created should be empty, but adding courses or videos to it is quite simple. If the video or course is already saved, it becomes even simpler. 

To add a saved video or course to a collection:

  1. Open the "My Library" section on the left navigation tab. You should open to see the "My Library" tab of this section. 
  2. Select "Saved" underneath the "My Library" tab. 
  3. Click the [Add to collection] button on the right side of the video or collection of your choice.
  4. Click "+ Add' to the right of the collection of your choice to add the video or course. A green checkmark will appear underneath the collection to indicate that the video or course has been added successfully. 

To add an unopened and unsaved video or course: 

  1. Click the ellipses next to an unopened course or video.
  2. Select "add to collection" and click "+ Add" by the collection of your choice to add the video or course. A green checkmark will indicate that it has been added successfully. 

To add an opened and unsaved course: 

Note: If you wish to add a specific lesson video to the collection, you'll have to save it first. Click the bookmark symbol next to the lesson in the table of contents to save it, and add the video to your collection following the instructions above. 

  1. Click the "+" symbol in the upper-right corner of the video for a Course. 
  2. Click "+ Add"  next to the collection of your choice to add the lesson. 

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Begin Learning

With the wide variety of lessons and range of courses covered by LinkedIn Learning, it can be difficult to know where to start. This section includes relevant course and video suggestions on common programs to help start your learning journey. This list is not exhaustive nor required; there are many other subjects to learn from with LinkedIn Learning!

Click these buttons to navigate between lessons discussed in this section:


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Canva Training

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Microsoft 365

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Microsoft Excel

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Microsoft Excel-Pivot Tables

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Microsoft Forms

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Microsoft PowerPoint

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Microsoft Word

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If you need any additional information or help with LinkedIn Learning, email Tech Help at or reach out to Information Technology at (937) 766-7905. 

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Article ID: 159095
Tue 5/14/24 12:59 PM
Mon 8/26/24 1:06 PM