Billing Errors and Solution Guidelines


Solution to some of the more commonly seen Billing Issues.


How to Resolve Different Billing Errors

Possible solutions to a few of the more common issues


Example 1. This section is not billing.

ARBV will not help since no AR.INVOICE records are created.
You will want to check the STUDENT.COURSE.SECTION records.

  1. If there is no record then contact the Office of the Registrar.
  2. If there is a record the check some for the term.
    We will take a look at the student type start date for these students on SPRO.
    *You need to make sure the start date is not after the start date for the class.*

Rerun BILL after talking to the Office of the Registrar.


Example 2. No valid rate table found.

ARBV will not help since no AR.INVOICE records are created.
We will want to make sure the Rate Table exists in RGRT.
You will want to check the STUDENT.COURSE.SECTION records.
*You will want to check the values of the following computed columns with their STUDENT.COURSE.SECTION records.*

  3. SCS.SESSION (ex.FA)

If these do not match then the sections would not find the correct rate table to be billed.
Contact IT or the Office of the Registrar to edit these records to match the intended Rate Table.


Example 3. Student was not refunded.

First we want to check ARBV for relevant information.
We will want to check the student's program (UG) or (GS) in SPRO.
*This will help us check if they have multiple programs active which would cause an issue*

Contact the Office of the Registrar to update these records.

If they have only one active program and SPRO looks correct, then we will look at the refund policy in the rate tables RGRT.

  1. Enter RGRT.
  2. Proceed to the desired Rate Table.
  3. Enter into either the Tuition Rate Table or Term Rate table
  4. Check to make sure the Refund policy is added to each line

Rerun BILL after all the changes.

Example 4. Student fee was not being charged correctly.

First we want to check ARBV for relevant information.

  1. Enter RGRT.
  2. Proceed to the desired Rate Table.
  3. Enter into Term Rate table.
  4. We then will look into the fee that is being charged
  5. Verify that its the correct rate and the correct refund policy
  6. Depending on the fee, check the Rule associated with the fee.
    *these will have computed columns that will need to match and are based on the REG.AR.POSTINGS records.*

Rerun BILL after all the changes.

Example 5. Other issues.

First we want to check ARBV for relevant information.

Depending on the issue:
If their program, status, course section, and falling into the correct rate tables are all correct then contact IT.
You will want to submit a ticket with the following:

  1. Error you are seeing
  2. Attach ARBV output
  3. Any examples with student ids, course sections or expect rate tables
  4. A description of the issue.




Article ID: 161594
Fri 9/13/24 10:47 AM
Thu 1/9/25 11:50 AM