Google Mail: Set Up Email Delegation


Google Mail allows you to give another individual access to your account so that he or she can then read, send, respond to, and delete email messages on your behalf.

For additional information, view this video from Google on Email Delegation.

If you would like to access and manage an email account someone has delegated to you, please see Access and Manage a Delegated Email Account in Google Mail.

Note: When you delegate your account, the individual will not have access to your settings, password, or Chat (instant messenger). In addition, you can only delegate your account to someone else who also has a Cedarville Gmail account. You can't delegate your account to someone who has a Gmail account not through Cedarville.

To Grant Access to Your Account: 

Before someone can manage your email account, you (the delegator) must first grant access to him or her. Grant access by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Google Mail account.
  2. Click the gear-shaped drop-down icon ("Settings").
  3. Select "Settings" from the resulting menu.
  4. Click the [Accounts] tab.
  5. Under "Grant access to your account," click "Add another account." (You can also determine in this section whether you would like conversations to be marked as read or unread when they are opened by the individual you are granting access to).
  6. Type the email address of the delegate into the "Email address" field > Click [Next Step].
  7. Click "Send email to grant access."

Once you have completed these steps and sent the verification email, the person you delegated your email to will need to log in to his or her own Google Mail account, open the confirmation email, and then click the acceptance link.

Note: There could be a delay (up to 30 minutes) before the changes take effect. If the time has passed and the person you delegated your email to still does not have access, they should try signing out of their account and then signing back in.

To Remove Access to Your Account:

  1. Log in to your Google Mail account.
  2. Click the gear-shaped drop-down icon ("Settings").
  3. Select "Settings" from the resulting menu.
  4. Click the [Accounts] tab.
  5. In the "Grant access to your account:" section, click "delete" next to the account that you would like to disable. A window will open and ask if you are sure you want to revoke access.
  6. Click [OK].