Google Calendar: Delegation


Google Calendar allows you to delegate access to another person who may then create new events, modify existing events, respond to event invitations, and manage sharing on your behalf. This is what GroupWise called "Proxy Access." As a delegator (person granting access to your account), you must grant access to your account before someone can manage your calendar. To learn how to set up delegation for your Google Mail, please see the Set Up Email Delegation in Google Mail tech help page.

Note: Google will not allow the delegate (the person who has been granted access) to change the delegator's account settings, use tasks lists, or access Google Mail contact groups.

To Share Your Calendar: 

  1. Navigate to and log in to your Cedarville Gmail Account. 
  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click the [Google apps] icon (cube made up of 12 squares) > Select [Calendar]. 
  3. From the side panel, select "My Calenders" > Click the drop-down arrow next to the calendar you wish to share > Select “Share this Calendar.” 
  4. Under the “Share with specific people” section in the "People" field, type the address of the person you are granting access to.
  5. In the drop-down menu, select the appropriate permission (see Note).
  6. Click [Save].

Note: The "Make changes to events” option allows the delegate to edit the calendar. In addition to calendar edits, the “Make changes AND manage sharing” option allows the delegate to edit the delegated calendars’ sharing options. For example, the delegate could give someone else access to the calendar(s) while he or she is on vacation.

To Stop Sharing Your Calendar: 

  1. Navigate to and log in to your Cedarville Gmail Account. 
  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click the [Google apps] icon (cube made up of 12 squares) > Select [Calendar]. 
  3. From the side panel, select "My Calenders".
  4. Click the drop-down arrow next to the calendar that you wish to stop sharing > Select “Share this Calendar.” 
  5. Under "Share with specific people" in the "Remove" field, click the trashcan icon beside each contact you wish to deny access to your calender. 
  6. Click [Save].

If Someone has Shared Their Calendar With You: 

The delegate will now have access to the calendar(s) and can see and modify all the events on the calendar. Delegates, if you have permission to “Make changes AND manage sharing,” you’ll see the calendar in your own “My calendars list.” If you only have permission to “Make changes to events,” you’ll see the calendar in your “Other calendars” list. Using a delegated calendar is virtually the same as using your own calendar; however, you will want to keep the following things in mind:

  • When you create a new event for the delegated calendar, be sure to choose the calendar from the "Calendar" drop-down on the event creation pop-up so you are adding an event to that calendar and not your own.
  • If the calendar is visible to everyone within Cedarville University, make sure that you mark confidential meetings or events of a sensitive nature as "Private." Do so by selecting the "Private" radio button in the "Visibility" section of the event details page. Then only meeting participants will be able to see the event.