Instructions To Run FA Over Award Report


This article describes how to run the OAWR process in Colleague, which is used by the Financial Aid Office to generate weekly reports.


Instructions for running Colleague process OAWR to generate the Financial Aid over award report:

1) With Colleague open, navigate to the OAWR process screen.

2) Enter parameters for the process, as follows:

    Academic Year - the 4-digit year for which the report will be run.
    SSN Display Option - use "L" to show last four digits, or "N" to mask the field entirely.
    Budget Type - use "B" for Both (Institutional and Campus-Based).
    Unmet Need is Negative - use "Y" (Yes).
    Unmet Cost is Negative - use "Y" (Yes).
    Total of All Awards Exceeds Need - use "N" (No).
    Additional Selection Criteria - use "Y" (Yes).
    Leave the other fields blank, unless doing a run based on a saved list, or for specific student IDs only.

3) After clicking "Save All", an Additional Selection Criteria form will be displayed.  Make the following two sets of entries on this screen:

    (Connective) WITH   (Field Name) SA.ACTION   (Parameter) "A""*""E""P"   (Relation) EQ

    (Connective) EVERY   (Field Name) YS.MISC1   (Parameter) "OVEROK"   (Relation) NE

    When entering multiple parameter values, such as Action codes, a space between each specified code is optional.

    To enter the YS.MISC1 field name, type the wild card "...MISC..." (without the quotes) into the Field Name box,
    and the form will then allow you to select the "foreign" field from a dropdown list.

4) Repeatedly press "Save All" until the process begins running.  It may take several minutes to complete processing, and then you will have the option to save a PDF version of the output.  When this report is run on Monday mornings, a copy of the PDF output is emailed to the Executive Director of the Financial Aid department, and other FA staff members as designated.

Troubleshooting when output doesn't appear to be correct:

When issues arise regarding this report, sometimes it is a matter of the settings on one or more of the records in the AWARDS file.  For example, to get the correct results with awards like AG15, AG19, AG15X, and AG19X, it has been necessary to change the settings of AW.NEED.COST (field 62) from 'N' (Need) to 'C' (Cost).