H: Drive Storage Guidelines


Everyone who logs into CedarNet is automatically connected to a personal storage area called the “H: Drive.” Your H: Drive is on a network server and is available through your login on any on-campus computer.  (For off-campus access, see Accessing Your Network Drives). It is private and not accessible by any other user.

Follow these links to:

You may store files of all types on your H: drive, but its total storage space is limited. If your H: drive gets too close to being full, you could lose files or have existing files corrupted. It is important to keep track of how much H: drive space you have available at any given time.

For information on other storage options, view the File Storage Recommendations help page.

  1. Click the Windows Start button > Select "Computer" (in Windows 10, "File Explorer").
  2. Under “Computer” (or "This PC") you will see a list of drives.
  3. The title of your H: drive begins with your ID number [e.g., 1234567 on ‘Fir\Data\Homedirs’ (H:)].

Windows Explorer will normally show files and folders as pictures or icons which can take up a lot of space on your screen. To see a more compact representation:

  • In Windows 7, near the top-right corner of Windows Explorer, click the drop-down arrow and select "List," or to see the age and size of the file, select "Details." 
  • In Windows 10, go to “View” > “List.” To see the age and size of a file, go to “View” > “Details.” This will show the size of the file and date the file was last changed.

If you are no longer an active student of the University, whether you have graduated or simply left, and you are enrolled during the spring semester, your H: Drive and CedarNet account will be active through January 31st of the following year. Graduate Students' account and H: Drive will not expire until one year after the date of their last enrollment.