Access Google Workspace for Education


Google Workspace for Education is a web-based application, so you will always access your University email and calendar through an Internet browser. You will use the same process to access your University email whether you are on or off campus, on a University computer or your personal computer or mobile device. Information technology recommends using the Google Chrome browser as Google Workspace for Education works best with Chrome; in fact, some Google Workspace for Education features only work in Google Chrome.

To access Google Chrome on a University computer, click [Start] > All Programs > Google Chrome and then click the Chrome icon. If the icon is not there, try [Start] > All Programs > CedarNet  > Communications. (You can also open Chrome by clicking the Chrome icon on your desktop.)

You can install Chrome on a personal computer by following these steps:

  1. Open an Internet browser and navigate to
  2. Click [Download Chrome].
  3. The box to “Set Google Chrome as my default browser” is automatically checked.
  4. Click [Accept and Install].
  5. Click [Save File].
  6. Open “ChromeSetup.exe.”
  7. Click [Run].
  8. The Chrome browser will automatically open.

You will find the Google Workspace for Education landing page at Your username and password will not work if you try to log in through Gmail.

You can use the Google Mail shortcut,, to log directly into your University email or the Google Calendar shortcut,, to log directly into your University calendar.

Sometimes, when you try to log in to your University Google Mail account, you are sent to a personal Gmail account instead. This happens when people have both a University Google Mail account and a personal Gmail account. It also can happen if multiple people share a computer. If you log in and arrive at the wrong account, follow these instructions:

  1. In the upper right corner of your screen, find the blue avatar, or your picture > Left-click on it and choose "Sign out."
  2. You should arrive at a screen that has your personal Gmail account and your University Google account listed > Choose your University Google account from the list.
  3. You should then be redirected to the University Google login screen, where you can enter your CedarNet credentials.