Windows 10: Set Default Document Folder Location


Set Default Document Folder Location

  1. Click the [Windows] button > choose "File Explorer."
  2. From the left side panel, right-click "Documents" > choose "Properties."
  3. Under the "Location" tab > type "H:\Docs"
  4. Click [Apply] > Click [No] when prompted to automatically move all files to the new location > Click [OK].
  5. If you believe you have documents saved in C:\Docs, you can go to that location and manually copy the files to your H:\ drive.

Note: This setting is machine-specific. For faculty and staff, that means you only have to perform this once on your office computer. For students, this means that each time you log on to a new Windows 10 University computer, you will have to change this setting unless another user has already done so.


On University computers running the Windows 10 operating system, documents do not automatically save to your H: network drive. Instead, documents default to the C: drive, which is only stored locally (not backed up) on the computer.

Whenever you receive a new University computer running Windows 10, it is imperative that you follow the following instructions to set your default documents folder to be your H: network drive. Failure to do so could lead to you being unable to access saved files from another computer or losing data if your University computer malfunctions.