EMS Enterprise Issues - Windows Hidden or Unresponsive


EMS Enterprise is a Event Management software package used by Event Services in Campus Experience, and various departments around campus to manage the usage of their classrooms, conference rooms, and learning spaces. 

A limited web version of EMS is available at https://rooms.cedarville.edu, but for full-featured access, there is a full desktop client available under Cedarnet > Server Specific > EMS Enterprise. 


  • Can't Open certain parts of the EMS client
  • EMS Freezes when creating new events
  • Can't see EMS window after opening


  • From the main EMS window, choose Settings > Reset Column Values
  • From the main EMS wWindow, choose Settings > Reset Window Coordinates

NOTE: If two computers with different size or quantity of monitors are using the same EMS account, these steps may have to be done on one computer to resolve the issues experienced by the other computer, specifically in the case of the EMS window not being displayed after opening. Another way of getting it to work is to reorient the dual monitor setup so that EMS thinks the 2nd monitor is on the other side from where it is physically. Who knows why this works, but it does. 




Article ID: 60520
Thu 8/16/18 9:45 AM
Tue 7/16/24 8:19 AM