Supply list for labs


The following supplies are needed in the public labs around campus:

BTS 111              6 boxes of paper         3 toner cartridges (CE390A)

LB 017                4 boxes of paper         1 toner cartridge (CE390A)

LB UL                 6 boxes of paper         3 toner cartridges (CE390A)

MIL 111               2 boxes of paper         1 toner cartridge (CE390A)

SSC 103             8 boxes of paper         2 toner cartridges (CE390A)

Any tickets that come in for paper and toner in these areas should be sent to User Services.   They are responsible for providing paper and toner to these areas.

In addition, we receive requests from Sue Helmick for paper to be delivered to ENS 178 for the Engineering labs.   These requests are usually done by User Services as well.