Using the Campus_Copiers Printer for Hold/Release printing


Cedarville University faculty and staff can use the Campus_Copiers printer to send secure print jobs, which can be released at any copier at their convenience. 

The Campus_Copiers printer is a special kind of print queue that securely stores print jobs until they are ready to be released on a specific copier. These jobs will persist in the printer queue for 24 hours before being automatically deleted. During that time, a faculty or staff member who has sent a job can use their ID card to log into any Konica Minolta copier on campus, and choose to print the job immediately. 

Printing to Campus_Copiers

All faculty or staff workstations should have the Campus_Copiers printer pre-installed, but if you need to install it, please refer to the article, Install Network Printers or Copiers

Once you have Campus_Copiers installed, simply print a document to Campus_Copiers as you would any other printer. (See Install and Print to Konica Copiers)

After selecting a department account for cost allocation, a box will pop up with the following message: 

"Your document has been held in the virtual queue. Before the document will be printed, you will need to log into a release station and release your document."

Retrieving your job from Campus_Copiers

After you receive that message, you can go to any copier on campus and perform the following steps to release your print job: 

  1. Hold your ID card in front of the card sensor sticker just below the main console of the copier until it beeps.
  2. After you are logged in, Tap the [Print All] button near the upper right corner of the screen. 
  3. Your job(s) will print on the copier
  4. Log out by pressing the [Access] button on the right side of the screen, and confirming your logout on the screen.