Annual CWS Prospect List


This article provides information regarding an annual report relating to federal work study (CWS) which is provided to the Financial Aid Office.


Background:  Several years ago, staff in the Financial Aid Office began asking for an annual report that would provide information from which prospective recipients of federal work study (CWS) could be found for the upcoming academic year.  This initially involved ad hoc selections and copying of information into an Excel file, and through time, the requirements were clarified and brought into a paragraph in FA.REP, called CWS.UPCOMING.YEAR.PROSPECTS.

When output from the two paragraphs noted below is combined, the first tab has students who were awarded federal work study (code CWS) in the previous or upcoming academic year.  The second tab has all returning students, and provides data on all types of wages earned.  These are each used slightly differently, and continue to be needed in future years.

Selection Requirements:  The general purpose of the report is to capture students having CWS awarded for the previous academic year and/or for the upcoming academic year.  The list can be (and usually is) trimmed by dropping out any students who would have graduated at the end of the previous academic year.  The output from the paragraph, which is downloaded and formatted before being sent to the FAO for their use, also includes information regarding previous year on-campus work, other student awards received, and other factors by which determinations can be made regarding CWS recipients for the upcoming academic year.

Sort Sequence:  By source file, i.e. financial aid file year(s), and then by student ID.

Data that is included (in the example below, the "current" year is 2018-19 and the "upcoming" year is 2019-20):
Source File
Student ID
Last Name
First Name
CWS Award 18-19
CWS Action 18-19
CWS Accept 18-19
CWS Earnings 18-19  (Note: Earnings will not be available through Redwood/Colleague beginning with 2020-21.)
CWS Reg Adjust 18-19
RSW Earnings 18-19
Anticipated Grad Date
Class 2018FA
CWS Award 19-20
CWS Action 19-20
18-19 EFC
19-20 EFC
Total Cmpl Cred
2019FA Enrollment
18-19 TCH Award
18-19 TCH Action
19-20 TCH Award
19-20 TCH Action
18-19 VA Ben Award
18-19 VA Ben Action
19-20 VA Ben Award
19-20 VA Ben Action
18-19 ROTC Award
18-19 ROTC Action
19-20 ROTC Award
19-20 ROTC Action

Additional File Generation: A second paragraph, called CWS.UPCOMING.YEAR.RETURNING, has been developed with a focus on students who are returning in the fall, who may be candidates for federal work study.  The selection begins with student academic records for fall term, dropping those students not having a FAFSA for the year on file, and dropping freshmen students.  Sorting is first on RSW amount (high to low), EFC (low to high), and then on student name.  At this time, the output includes the following fields:

Student ID
Last Name
First Name
RSW Amount for last academic year
EFC for upcoming academic year
Unmet Need for upcoming academic year
Awards for upcoming academic year (possibly restrict to accepted awards)
Anticipated Graduation Date
Enrollment for Fall of upcoming academic year
TCH for upcoming academic year
VABEN for upcoming academic year
RTCAR for upcoming academic year (currently listing all ROTC totals)
RTCAF for upcoming academic year

NOTE: The advent of Dayforce creates an extra hurdle regarding capture of the CWS and RSW earnings for the students as noted above.  Last time this was run, a spreadsheet with student earnings up through near the end of the spring term (provided by the Payroll Office as part of a separate project) was used to generate totals for the CWS candidate students.  This was satisfactory, but a better method of accessing the student earnings information should be pursued as time permits.