Faculty Access to ChatGPT 4.0

Should you want to access ChatGPT 4.0, you do have free access using the instructions below. 

  1. Go to bing.com/chat in Chrome.
  2. Click "sign in” on the upper right-hand corner of the page.
    (If you are already logged in with your CU account, go to step 5.)
  3. Login with your CU credentials.
  4. Disregard and close the page that may appear.
  5. Click the pancake stack in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Click on the SafeSearch option.
  7. Select the radio button next to "Moderate" in the SafeSearch block at the top of the page.
  8. Click “Save” at the bottom of the browser.

You now have public access to ChatGPT-4 through Bing. If you run into issues, please contact techhelp@cedarville.edu or the help desk at 7905.

Note: As a reminder, please be sure you have included a clear policy statement in your syllabus or somewhere clearly visible within your Canvas course regarding the use of ChatGPT by your students in the assignments in your courses.  Thank you.

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