Service Catalog

Categories (13)

Office Devices

Find assistance for setups, purchases and support for your University owned technology.

Personal Devices

The IT Service Center is located on the north side of the Tyler building.

Classroom & Labs

Find assistance for campus classrooms and labs.


The Information Technology department will support all university owned printers.

Wireless and Internet

Learn how to connect to Cedarville's wireless networks, register a device for use on CedarNet, and report any problems with accessing the internet.

Accounts and Access

Cedarville University provides a variety of services that require specific accounts and access levels. Your affiliation and role determines much of what you can access and who can assist you in gaining access.


For help with purchasing software or assistance with desktop and mobile applications.

Web Services

This form has moved to a new project management system. Please use the link below to go to the Web Services Request form.

Center for Teaching and Learning / Canvas

Resources related to teaching and learning at Cedarville University. To submit course changes, ask for course design or course help, request video recording for academic events, or request a course review, please email the CTL –

Administrative Systems

Colleague, Self-Service, Slate, and other systems of an administrative nature.

Telephones, Cellphones, & Voicemail

Request new telephone and cellphone services or changes to existing services.

All Other

All other services offered.

Maintenance Work Orders

Work Orders for Operations