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Services or Offerings?
Change the password you use to sign into all Cedarville University resources.

Report phishing attempts, unexpected Two-Factor prompts, and other security incidents.

Signup to receive emergency notifications.

Report a problem with an account or an access issue or ask a question about your access.

Report an issue with your university office telephone or voicemail.

Report a problem with your university-provided cellphone or hotspot

Use this page to report something that no longer works with Colleague, Medicat, Slate, or any other administrative system.

Get help with University-provided software, including Virtual Lab environments (like CloudLab).

Two-factor authentication (TFA) provides additional University account security for participating students, faculty, and staff.

Make new office account, contractor account, or temporary account.

Use this page to request help regarding an administrative system such as Colleague, Informer, Self-Service, etc.

Request help building forms & workflows, approving requests, or completing tasks in Kuali Build

Request a that IT set up a new integration in Kuali Build

Provides instructions for using Cedarville University's wireless networks.

Register your gaming system, TV, smart home device to connect the cu-manual wireless network.