How to Use Duo Tokens

Duo Tokens are hardware used to generate a DUO authenticate password. These tokens are unique to the user and can only be used by the assigned owner of the token. 

To use a Duo Token to authenticate: 

  1. Click the [Enter a Passcode] button on the authenticate screen.
  2. Press the green button on the Duo token to generate a passcode. 
  3. Enter the passcode that generates on the token in the Duo prompt. 
  4. Click [Log In] or [Verify]. If you are prompted to enter a second password, enter the generated passcode in that field.

You should now be logged in to your account. 

Make sure to test using the DUO token before you leave the IT office.

Note: The token may become "out of sync" if the button is pressed too many times in a row and the passcode is not used to log in. Contact IT at (973-766-7905) if your token has stopped working. 

For more information on updated processes or prompts, visit this webpage. 

Warning: The first token is complimentary of Cedarville University IT. Additional tokens cost $20 each.

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