Proctorio Free Version Troubleshooting

Some classes on campus, including Dr. Whitmore's classes, use the free version of Proctorio, therefore it is an unsupported 3rd-party software. This version functions differently from the paid subscription that the nursing department uses and does not have access to the help line.

Note:  It may take up to 10 minutes to get into an exam, so do not refresh your screen while the exam is loading. If the exam does not load after 10 minutes, use the troubleshooting steps below. 

Troubleshooting tips for the free version of Proctorio include:

  • Use the most updated version of Chrome.
  • Install the web component/browser extension. For installation steps, visit this link. 
  • Use your Cedarville University credentials when you log in. 
  • Check that your device meets the minimum system requirements as outlined in this link
  • Clear your cache and cookies using the process outlined in this link
  • Reboot your computer.
  • Ask others in your home or at your location to refrain from connecting to the WiFi while you are taking your exams. If others need to connect to the WiFi, ask them to refrain from video streaming, gaming, or other high internet bandwidth usage activities. This will help to maximize internet speed.

If you are still unsuccessful, contact your professor.  Because it is unsupported, there is no further escalation point beyond your professor; neither CTL nor IT can help resolve issues on the free version of Proctorio.  

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