Self-Service Troubleshooting

Self-Service is a new page on Cedarville's website for student planning, employment information, and financial information. Self-Service can be accessed through the myCU portal or by navigating to

Troubleshoot Self-Service Login

Some individuals have run into issues as they try to log in to the Self-Service. Here are a couple possible resolutions:

  • When trying to log in to Self-Service, you must type your username in all lowercase. (Passwords are case-sensitive; therefore, you must include capital letters if that is how you created the password.)
  • If you are a parent of a student and you are not able to log in, or if you can log in but cannot access the desired information, you may need to have your son or daughter grant privacy permissions. Specifically, your son or daughter may need to grant electronic access. (See article: Giving electronic access to parents)
  • When a parent/guardian is attempting to access their student's information, make sure they are clicking on their student's entry in the Person Proxy window after they log in to Self Service.

Warning! Sometimes students believe they have granted electronic access to their parents, but instead they have only granted discussion permissions. In order for parents to access student financial records, their student will have to grant them electronic access to his or her records. 

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