Find Students By Zip Code

A list of all students sorted by zip code is provided by Cedarville University. The list will allow you to find other students who live near you to coordinate rides home over breaks.

Note: In order to access this list, you will need a CedarNet account.

To Find a Student Who Lives Off-Campus:

  1. Access the Students by Zip Code page. 
  2. Log in using your CedarNet username and password > Click [Authenticate].

To Find a Student Who Lives On-Campus:

  1. Log in to a University computer with your Cedarville username and password.
  2. Click on the [Start] button.
  3. Select "All Programs" > Select "_CedarNet."
  4. Select "Information" > Select "Students by Zip Code (Rides)."
  5. When the page appears, click [Ctrl] + "F" and type the zipcode in the "Find:" textbox.
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