Self-Service Advising Roles and Permissions

Currently there are two permissions that allow access to advising functions in Self-Service:

- Advisor - This role gives the user access to the advisors that are assigned to them.

- Super-Advisor - Gives access to ALL student records

These permissions are setup in Colleague using the AROR screen.

As of August 2021, with the change of all transcript access to Self Service, all faculty and staff who formally had access to view transcripts on CedarInfo should also be able to do the same in Self Service.  2 other areas that need to be checked:

  • For Faculty, even if they are not an advisor, the person needs to have the "Advisor" flag set to Yes on FCTY.
  • For Staff, they need to have the roles of Advisor and View Any Transcript in AROR as well as have a status of "C" (Current) on SVM.


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