Tools for Reaching Others


Cedarville has several resources for providing teleconferencing/telemeeting capabilities. This page will identify those options and help you select the one that will meet your needs.


Cedarville has several resources for providing teleconferencing/telemeeting capabilities. This page will identify those options and help you select the one that will meet your needs. Once you decide, see our tips on a successful event.

Microsoft Teams

  • Included in our Microsoft agreement, so no charge to your department
  • Great for chat, document sharing, and casual (<5 participant) video meetings
  • Great for internal constituents

Zoom Meetings

  • Cost per year per meeting organizer
  • Handles up to 300 simultaneous participants with base license -- expandable to 500 and 1000 participants for additional monthly charges
  • Conceptually embraces the idea of peers around a table: participants can see each other, share screens, etc.

Zoom Webinars

  • Cost per month per meeting organizer
  • Significantly more expensive than Meetings
  • Allows for Registration
    • Can allow users to select a single instance or multiple instances
    • You can ask custom questions of registrants during registration process
    • You can accept all registrants or review registrants before approving them to attend
    • Can automatically send reminders to registrant
    • Can automatically send post-webinar emails to attendees and/or those who missed
  • Conceptually embraces the "sage on a stage" model: attendees cannot see each other and their questions are only visible to everyone once the host answers them
  • Attendees can post questions anonymously if the host allows

More information on Zoom Meetings versus Webinars is available on Zoom's website.

Live Streaming

For events that do not require direct participation, MarCom can configure your Zoom meeting to livestream to Cedarville's website/apps, YouTube Live, and/or Facebook Live. There is no additional cost, but streaming attendees will lag the presenter by approximately 20 seconds. There is no limit of potential streaming attendees.




Article ID: 106017
Thu 4/23/20 1:54 PM
Fri 4/24/20 8:27 AM