Free and Discounted Professional Software (Faculty and Staff Only)


Software Provided Free of Charge

Cedarville University also provides some business software packages for free to current Faculty & Staff only, which can also be installed and/or used on any computer: 

For each of these software packages, simply follow the link, and log in using your full email address.

Many enterprise software titles are also available on university-provided computers via our CedarNet 2.0 app. 

Some CedarNet 2.0 software is available remotely from our Virtual Lab.


All full-time and part-time employees in regular positions at Cedarville University are eligible for the Microsoft Workplace Discount Program.

This program is available for those interested in purchasing family subscriptions.

  • A regular position is any position that does not have a pre-determined end date. 
  • Unfortunately, student employees and employees in temporary positions are NOT eligible for the program.
  • A temporary position is one that you are only in for a brief period of time or any position that has a fixed end date.
  • The only exception to the above rules is if you are an adjunct professor. As an adjunct professor, you do qualify for the program.