Course Design FAQs: Designing an Online Course with the CTL (SME Development Method)

What does the “subject matter expert (SME) development method” mean?

This refers to the method by which the CTL designs courses with you. If you are designing a course by the traditional method, you will generate most if not all of the course material, and the instructional designer will assist during meetings, provide feedback, and be available to brainstorm and answer questions as needed.

How much time will it take?

You can expect to spend up to 80 hours designing the course. You will work with the CTL over a period of two months.

What will the development schedule look like?

You will work closely with the CTL for a month to generate material for the course, meeting with the CTL once a week. The majority of time that you will spend designing the course will occur during this first month. Be sure you can commit nearly 80 hours of your time in the first month of the proposed time frame or suggest another time frame.

During the second month of development, the CTL will build the course in the learning management system and deliver it to you for review. If you have busy periods or vacations, the CTL is happy to work around those if you provide the dates before the development time frame is selected.

What’s it like working with an instructional designer?

The instructional designer is trained to identify effective, objective-centered methods for leading students through the course material in an online platform. You will meet with the instructional designer on a regular basis to brainstorm and discuss questions as you design the course. The instructional designer will also be available to answer questions outside of meetings during regular business hours. After you generate course material, the instructional designer will review it and submit feedback to you with suggestions for enhancing the material to suit online learning.

What’s it like working with the instructional media producer?

If the course you’re designing will be enhanced by media, the instructional media producer will produce the media, seek your input and feedback, and coach you if you will be featured in the media. If you would prefer not to appear in the media, the instructional media producer will provide a solution that will feature actors or animations.

Will I be paid for designing the course?

This is up to the chair of your department. He/she will determine if your course design work will be considered part of your regular load or if you will receive an amount in addition to your salary.

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