Remote Computer Labs

When engaged in online-only instruction, students may need access to software only available in computer labs in order to do their class work. 

To this end, IT has provided RemoteLab. RemoteLab allows students to sign into and use computers in computer labs from residence halls or any off-campus location. 

Using a Remote Lab

Follow the instructions below to use RemoteLab: 

  1. Connect to VPN. Since RemoteLab provides direct access to the University network via Lab computers, it's essential that we restrict connections to those who have been authorized for VPN. For step-by-step instructions on connecting to our GlobalProtect VPN, please see: GlobalProtect VPN
  2. If you aren't authorized for VPN, you may request access. Please specify that you'd like to use RemoteLab. 
  3. Once you are connected to VPN, navigate in a browser to
    Note: RemoteLab doesn't support the Chrome browser on MacOS. IT recommends using firefox for MacOS while accessing RemoteLab. 
  4. Sign into RemoteLab using your Cedarville username and password.
    RemoteLab Login Form
  5. Once you're logged in, you can see the number of available computer in the lab you have access to near the top of the screen. You can also review 
    Computers available in RemoteLab
  6. Near the top of the screen, there should be a list of software available in this Remote Lab. If you have access to multiple labs, you can click the "Choose A Different Pool" button to select a Remote Lab that has the software you need. 

    Please contact IT using the information at the bottom of this page if the lab computers available through RemoteLab don't have a piece of software that you need
  7. Click Make My Reservation to reserve a lab computer for your use. 
    Make My Reservation
  8. Once the reservation is confirmed, click Connect to Remote Lab. If you decide that you don't need the lab computer anymore, click Clear My Reservation
  9. Your browser will download an .rdp file that contains the information about the lab computer that you've reserved. Open this file to begin connecting to your reserved computer. 
    Note: if your computer is unable to open the downloaded file, you may need to download a Remote Desktop Client: 
    Remote Desktop for Windows 10 
    Remote Desktop Connection 10 for MacOS
  10. You may safely ignore any warnings about invalid or untrusted certificates while connecting.
  11. If the windows below pops up with your, click on “More choices.”​​​​​​
  12. Choose “Use a different account,” then put in your full Cedarville email address and your CedarNet Password, and click “OK.” 
  13. You should then be able to launch Remote Lab.
  14. Use the lab computer from the remote desktop client as you would in a physical lab. 
  15. When you are finished, sign out of the RemoteLab computer: 
    1. Right-click the Start button
    2. Click "Shutdown or sign out"
    3. Select "Sign out" 
  16. Delete the .rdp file from your computer. You will get a new one for each new reservation.


  • When I go to, I get  "Page Not Found" with a GIF of Stinger dancing. Help!
    RemoteLab is only available when connected to VPN. Connect to VPN first, then try again.

  • I can't log into GlobalProtect VPN! Help!
    You may not have access to VPN yet. Please use the information at the bottom of the page to contact Information Technology.

  • How long will I be allowed to check out a lab computer? 
    Your reservation will stay active for as long as you use the remote lab computer. If your Remote Desktop session remains inactive for more than 30 minutes, however, you will be logged out automatically, and the computer will return to the pool of available computers for reservation.

  • What software will I have access to? 
    You will have access to any software currently installed on the lab computer.
  • What if I need to install software from CedarNet 2.0?
    Since you may get a different lab computer every time you create a reservation, it may not be possible or feasible to install new software to every lab computer that you reserve (especially if the software install requires a reboot). Please contact IT using the information at the bottom of this page if the lab computers available through RemoteLab don't have a piece of software that you need
  • Can I use RemoteLab from my Smartphone or Tablet?
    Information Technology currently supports RemoteLab for Windows and MacOS devices only.

Tips and Recommendations

As a courtesy to others using RemoteLab, please read and follow the recommendations below: 

  • Make a reservation only when you are ready to use a lab computer. This keeps as many computers available for use as possible.
  • Use remote lab computers only for programs exclusively available from CedarNet. 
  • Please refrain from web browsing/writing emails as this can be done from your personal computer 
  • If you don't plan to use your reserved lab computer for a while, save your work and sign out of the remote lab computer so that it can be used by someone else.
  • You will be able to print from the RemoteLab computer as if you were physically in the lab. Please don't. 

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