Connect Gaming Consoles and Smart Devices to the Wireless Network

This article provides information on connecting gaming consoles and smart devices to the wireless network at Cedarville University.

Some common wireless devices that may need to be registered are:

  • Game consoles
  • Smart-home devices
  • Some older smartphones and tablets
  • Smart TVs and set-top boxes

Device Registration is required to connect these devices. Go to Wireless & Internet: Register my Wi-Fi device to register your device. 

Most registrations are completed within a few minutes, however, some device registrations may take up to 2 business days. For additional information, go to Register and Connect to the cu-manual Wireless Network.

Devices connected with a wired network cable to a wall port, including gaming consoles and desktop computers, do not need to be registered. 

For all normal Windows and Macintosh computers, iOS devices, and recent Android devices, please see Connect to the Eduroam Wireless Network

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