Use the FileBound Web Viewer

As of FileBound, Version 8, the Windows Viewer is no longer the preferred way of interacting with FileBound documents. 

Enable Web Viewer

To enable the new Web Viewer for your account, do the following: 

  1. Log into FileBound by navigating to and entering your CU email address and password when prompted.
  2. From the main FileBound page, select the user badge in the upper right-hand corner, and select Preferences.
  3. In your user preferences, under Document Viewer, choose "Web Viewer". 
  4. From now on, when viewing documents in Filebound, they will be opened in the Web Viewer by default. 

Approve a request in the Web Viewer

The homepage of FileBound shows your assignments. From your Assignments page in FileBound, click the View icon next to an assigned document to open it in the Web Viewer: 

This will open the Web Viewer in a new tab, and display the document. You can see your options for approving the document by clicking on the approvals button in the blue sidebar on the right side of the screen: 

After you have reviewed the document, click one of the options. Add comments, and check all boxes in the checklist (if any) to confirm your selection: 


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Article ID: 148512
Mon 1/9/23 3:11 PM
Tue 1/2/24 3:11 PM