Google Calendar: Create New Calendars

Google allows you to have additional calendars beyond your default one. 

To Create a New Calendar: 

  1. Log in to your Google account and navigate to Google Calendar.
  2. In the sidebar, click the drop-down arrow next to “My calendars” > Choose “Create new calendar.”
  3. Enter a name in the “Calendar Name” field.
  4. Choose your privacy settings. Your main calendar (the one with your name as the title) is automatically shared with everyone within Cedarville University, but they can only see if you are free or busy. If you would like the events on this calendar to show you as free/busy, check the “Share this calendar with others” box. The “Share this calendar with everyone in the organization Cedarville University” will automatically be checked. Then choose “See only free/busy” from the drop-down list. The calendar will remain private if you do not check the boxes.
  5. Click [Create Calendar].


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