
Desktop and mobile software and applications

Categories (3)

Classroom & Labs

Campus classrooms and labs.

Kuali Build

Kuali Build is a forms and workflow platform freely available to Cedarville faculty & staff.

The articles below illustrate how to use Kuali Build to create online forms, develop workflows, and how to use integrations to read or write data to other systems.

Articles (54)

Admissions Slate Schedule Generator

Support documentation for the Slate Schedule Generator, a software solution that accepts prospective student visit schedule data from Slate and generates a formatted PDF schedule for each student based on an HTML template.

Adobe Creative Cloud Installation

This article explains the new process of how to install the Adobe Creative Cloud on University-owned faculty and staff computers.

Apple Remote Desktop for Mac Labs

How to use Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) for stations in Mac computer labs such as TYL 103, 105, and 107.

CloudLab - Quick User Guide

Quick user guide for CloudLab.

Download Adobe Products

The Adobe suite is available for full-time faculty and staff members as a named user license. This license allows downloads on two devices, so you can access the software from both your work computer and your home computer, if needed!

How to use the Transcribe Function in Adobe Premiere Pro & Export to Word

This article will teach you how to import an audio file into Adobe Premiere Pro, transcribe the audio file and how to export the transcription to a Word document.

Microsoft Office: How to Install Additional Products

How to install Visio, Project, Outlook, or Access after upgrading to Microsoft Office 365 on a University-owned computer.

Microsoft Outlook Installation

MS Outlook Installation Procedure

Microsoft Word - Mail Merge: How to import and format data from Excel

Explains how to import Excel data into Microsoft Word Mail Merge and format it properly

myCU Trouble Shooting

Trouble Shooting myCU issues.

PowerPoint: Create a Looping Slideshow

A looping slideshow displays each slide automatically for a certain amount of time.

Software Installation Procedure: Maple - Home Installation

Procedure to install Maple on a home system with a standalone license

Student Kaltura Help

This article provides common issues students have had with Kaltura and their solutions.

Teleconferencing Tips

Tips when hosting a video/teleconference

Tools for Reaching Others

Cedarville has several resources for providing teleconferencing/telemeeting capabilities. This page will identify those options and help you select the one that will meet your needs.

Troubleshooting Steps for Canvas Exams Proctored by Proctorio for NURSING DEPARTMENT ONLY

Steps for troubleshooting issues with Canvas exams proctored by Proctorio (subscription version ONLY) NURSING DEPARTMENT ONLY

University Software Support

This article lists the software supported by Cedarville IT, and it gives direction on getting support for department-purchased software and SaaS.

VectorWorks documentation

vectorworks documentation

Zoom to Teams Transition for Video Meetings: FAQ and Instructional Videos

Microsoft Teams will be Cedarville University’s standard video conferencing and team collaboration platform, effective Tuesday, April 5. Zoom usage via Cedarville University Zoom Pro licenses will no longer be available following that date.