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This article explains the procedure for granting staff access to MyFinancialAid and eAwards.
This article provides information regarding the processing of Campus Store daily transaction files received from the vendor.
This article provides general information regarding Self-Service Financial Aid access and use.
This article provides possible solutions to financial aid automatic packaging issues where specific award amounts are being reduced to zero.
If after a Colleague UI upgrade your browser is having difficulty displaying the screens correctly, please try the following.
This article provides some tips with regard to changing conditional statements in rules via the Colleague RLDE screen.
This article provides information regarding student grade changes, and corresponding changes that may be required for students' SAP statuses.
This article describes how to run the OAWR process in Colleague, which is used by the Financial Aid Office to generate weekly reports.
This article provides options when having problems downloading PDFs from Colleague when in certain web browsers.
This article provides information on processing of ISIR records that is done with respect to financial aid verification.