The Campus Store daily transaction processing has been automated, and runs unattended overnight through the Process Handler. A daily report is emailed to staff in the Campus Store and Business Office. When there are any errors because of missing AR accounts, the email also goes to staff in the Cashier's Office. The attachment to this article was provided to Campus Store staff regarding the handling of records with errors. XBSC can still be run on demand, and a PDF file should be generated in the few cases where this may become necessary. The updated process takes in a term code and an update flag, and then processes any transaction files found in the input folder: \\sapling\automation\bookstore\blload
Current process file to update when the term parameters are being changed:
Note: Updating the record above will automatically update the matching records in files OUTSTANDING.PHANTOMS, SCHEDULED.PHANTOMS, and PHANTOM.CONTROL.
The following command makes a backup copy of the daily transaction processing report, which can be accessed in situations where the daily email does not get sent for any reason.
11 6 * * * cp /datatel/coll18/live/apphome/_HOLD_/XBSC_LWSCOTT_104036 /scratch/bookstore/XBSC_REPORT_$(date +%Y%m%d).txt
The scratch directory noted above can be accessed in paragraphs or at the command prompt using the alias DOCS.BOOKSTORE.REPORTS.
Note: This command has to be updated if the file name in the Hold directory changes.
Note: This was originally put into crontab, but later moved to a script in /usr/local/bin/, because the $() notation was not working in cron.
Note: References made to "Verifone reports" are likely to involve reports generated by the vendor, rather than by Cedarville.
These are the steps involved in processing the daily Bookstore charged transaction files from the vendor (Booklog).
1) Copy the transaction file(s), one for each day, from the blwin32 directory on, to the folder at \\sapling\automation\bookstore\blload.
2) In live Colleague, open form XBSC, and fill in the parameters as follows:
- Enter the name of the input transaction file being processing, including the file extension (usually "csv").
- Enter the term, depending on the season of year, e.g. "yyyyFA" during August through December.
- Enter the value "Y" or "N", either to run with updates or to run in non-update mode (respectively).
NOTE: Especially when running large files, it can be helpful to run first in non-update mode, to allow for mitigation of any invalid
(non-school) IDs occasionally received in the Booklog files. School records are frequent, and are not processed by XBSC.
3) Save a PDF copy of the report coming out of the process, and email a copy of the report to Bookstore and Business Office staff as directed.
4) Copies of reports and/or copies of the transaction files are helpful resources when questions arise about charges that have been processed or that cannot be found.