Access to Institutional Data (Data Query)

Select Faculty and Academic staff have access to pull student and course section data, previously offered through a tool called Data Query

The following Informer5 DataSets are available for those who have academic security access: 

Help! I don't have access to these reports

Access to these reports can be granted using Academic Department Security, which is controlled by the Registrar's office. Contact the Registrar's office to request access.

How do I download this data?

You can download the rows from the dataset using the download button in the upper right corner: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

There are a variety of format options when exporting, but the most frequently used are CSV and Excel.

Once you've selected a file format, you will be provided with additional options for customizing the download: 

  • Filename: If you customize the filename, be sure to leave the extension (i.e. .xslx or .csv) on the end of the filename so your computer will recognize the type of the file after it is downloaded. 
  • Apply Filter: If you've filtered the data (see below), checking this box will export only rows matching your filter. 
  • Column Headers: If you uncheck this box, the first row will contain data, and not the names of the columns. 
  • Multi-Valued Data: The options at the bottom of this dialog allow you to control what happens when there are multiple values in the same cell. You usually won't need these. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

How can I search and filter this data? 

The Informer5 platform allows you to do a lot of filtering, searching, sorting and data analysis right in the web page. 


Using the filter bar at the top, you can select one or more columns to filter on, and choose from a litany of available filtering options. Here's an example for filtering to just Undergraduate or Graduate students in your area: 

  1. Click in the Filter bar, and select Student Type:
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Choose a distinct value of GS to display only Graduate students.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. The report will now show only students with a type of GS.

You can repeat this process for multiple fields, and use options like Include/Exclude to specify criteria that you would like the rows in the report to match (include), or to explicitly not match (exclude). You can use the Distinct Values option to select from a list of all the values present in the data set, or use the Like option to search using a wildcard character (*) to find partial matches: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


You can sort this data by clicking the heading on any row you'd like to sort by. If you'd like to provide a secondary sort criteria (i.e. to customized how data that has identical values for your first sort criteria is sorted), you can click the dropdown menu on the header of another column to add that column as a secondary sort: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Grouping, Aggregates

If you'd like to summarize the data in the report, you can do this by grouping the data on common values. To do this, click the Add Group button beneath the filter box, and select a field to group on: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Once the data is grouped, you can see individual counts per unique value from that field. You can add numerical operations on any field (i.e. count, sum, average, etc) by using the the dropdown menu on the header of any column, and then choosing Aggregates and selecting the aggregate function you'd like to include. This aggregate data will then be included as a column. 

You can always expand the groupings to get at the underlying data. 

Pivot, Data Analysis, Visualizations, and More 

Informer 5 offers a large array of options for you to parse, analyze, and visualize this data, all available right in the Informer 5 interface. While this functionality is beyond the scope of this article, feel free to play around with the options, and create a ticket if you need help or have a question

How can I download a copy of this data?


How often is this data refreshed?

The data in these reports is refreshed from Colleague every night. Any changes that happen over the course of a day should be available in this data set by 5 a.m. the next morning. 
If you believe there is an error in the data, first check this information against what is available in Self-Service Advising -- you can check with the student's Academic Advisor or the Office of the Registrar if you don't have access to that yourself. 

What data can I see? 

Active Students

The data available in this report is based on students with an active Academic Program. 

It is filtered for you based on department-level access, showing students that: 

  • Are enrolled in a program that your department offers
  • Are taking a major that your department offers
  • Are taking a minor that your department offers
  • Are taking a major that your department has oversight over

If you are the dean of a School, you should have access to all the departments that compose that school. 

Course Sections

The data available in this report is based on course sections offered in the last 10 years. 

It is filtered for you based on department-level access, showing course sections: 

  • Being taught by a faculty member associated with your department
  • Associated with a course that your department offers

How do I get additional fields added to this report?

If you would like some additional data about each student or course section in these reports, you can submit the following form in ServeCU: 

Get a Report or Data: Administrative Systems

While we cannot guarantee any particular timeline for a requests to expand this data set, we are committed to making these reports useful for our faculty and staff. 

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