Salvage Deleted Network Files

If you accidentally deleted a file saved in a network folder (H, J, S, or T drive folder), you may salvage it. If you deleted a file from the C: drive, this process will not work. Check the Recycle bin.

To Salvage Deleted Network Files: 

  1. Use "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer" (in Windows 10, "This PC" or "File Explorer") to locate the network folder where you originally saved the deleted file.
  2. Right-click on the folder > Choose "Salvage Files...."
  3. You may want to sort the files by "Time Deleted" to locate the most recent version of the file. Click on the column headings to sort the files. 
  4. It is also helpful to check the "File Size" to determine which file version is most likely  to contain data. Files of 0-1KB may be deleted shortcuts, or empty. 
  5. Highlight the file you want to salvage > Click [Salvage File]. 
  6. Click [Close]. 
  7. Navigate back to the folder where the original file was saved and locate the restored file. You may need to rename the file or provide a file extension so that it can be opened with the appropriate software application.

If you do not get the results you were looking for, repeat the steps or call Information Technology at 937-766-7905. 

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