Maintaining Schedules For Informer Reports

Perform the following steps to set up a schedule by which an Informer report will automatically run:

1) Open the Informer report of your choice.
2) Among the horizontal list of tabs in the report view, click on the "SCHEDULES" tab.
3) To modify an existing schedule, click on the schedule and then click Edit.  For a new schedule, on the right side of the Informer window, click the "New Schedule" link.
4) By default, the "Schedule" tab opens first in the Report Schedule window that pops open.  Fill in the necessary information for Description, Date Range, Start Time, and Recurrence.
5) Leave the Disable box unchecked, unless you do not want the new schedule to be active right away (or unless you wish to disable an existing active schedule).
6) If a Tables tab is present, open this, and be sure the appropriate ACYR file year entries have been marked in the Choose Table area.
7) Typically reports are emailed, so click on the Email tab as part of the schedule setup.
8) In the tabs along the left side of the window for the Email tab, click on Format, and choose the file type (usually CSV or PDF) and modify file details as necessary.
9) Then click on the Message Contents tab on the left, and enter the Subject line and Email Text as necessary.
10) Then click on the Recipients tab on the left, and enter one or more complete email addresses, and set other details as necessary.
11) The Burst Settings tab, also on the left, is not often used.
12) The Archive, Export, and Saved-List tabs along the top of the window are also lesser used options, but occasionally it can be helpful to employ one or more of these.
13) Click the Save button to close out of the new schedule.

As indicated above, when a scheduled run already exists for a report, sometimes these can simply be updated to provide a "new" schedule for a report.

If parameter fields are added for a report that has a schedule, the schedule has to be updated to set the new parameter(s).

Occasionally there may be a report that is run on a schedule primarily to create input data for other reports.  Before disabling a scheduled report, be sure to verify there is no saved list generated during processing that may still be needed by another scheduled report.

When the owner of a schedule for a report leaves the employment of the University, the schedule owner must be reassigned to another person or to Administrator.

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