Financial Aid Selection by FAFSA Criteria

A selection has been set up for the Academic Division (i.e. for Randy McKinion and Thomas Mach) to provide research data regarding how parental education affects student experience.  This coding has been saved in FA.REP as the paragraph "FAFSA.PARENT.NO.COLLEGE".

The code can be used to group FAFSA records based on criteria, obtain the student IDs, narrow the selection by student characteristics, and generate student ID & name lists.  When running this code, whenever a list of student IDs begins to be displayed on the screen, it is okay in this case, so simply enter "q" as necessary to continue on with processing.

Additional coding has been added to this paragraph to, optionally, generate reports with counts on the number of undergraduate students taking classes in a specified term, along with counts of how many of these students have provided FAFSAs to the University, how many have one or both parents with no college, and how many have both parents with no college.  This latter information was needed for a survey related to Institutional Research (i.e. for Tara Carraher and Fran Campbell).

See also: FAFSA Data For Registrar's Office

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