Scanning Problems At Dining Hall

Scanning Problems At Dining Hall

Individual Scanning Problems

Several issues can lead to individuals having problems scanning their Cedarville ID card at the Dining Hall.  These include:

- Damaged prox ID card (person must go to Campus Safety to have a replacement card issued).
- Prox ID has not been entered or has been incorrectly entered in the Doors system (check with Campus Safety to correct).
- Digits entered from front rather than back of prox ID cards (more likely during summer events).
- Prox ID for the person has been changed by the Campus Safety Office but the update has not yet been made on iMAP.
- Individual is not enrolled in a meal plan for the term (person must contact Cashier's Office for a meal plan, or make a "Flex Dollars" deposit at the Dining Hall).
- Meal plan has not been entered into the Dining Hall "iMAP" system (contact Pioneer College Caterers staff, or open an IT ticket, to have this done).
- Meal plan changes have not been entered into iMAP at beginning of term.  (These updates must be done frequently during the first week or so of a term.)

- New prox ID cards obtained recently do not have a magnetic stripe and also start back at card number "1".  The prox IDs on these cards are not strictly 5-digits in length, i.e. there are no leading zeros on the prox IDs.  Particularly when scanned in the dining venues, the prox ID must always be in the lower right corner of the card, otherwise incorrect scans and confusion may result.  For example, card "9" may be misread as card "6" if the card is not scanned with the prox ID in the lower right corner.

As noted above, scanning problems can occur after meal plan updates, especially when going from a plan that does not include Flex Dollars to one which does.  This tends to effect scanning at Stingers and Rinnova, rather than at the Dining Hall, per se.  When an operator goes in and changes the meal plan code, they will usually also have to manually add the Flex Dollars (i.e. they don't automatically populate when a meal plan is changed).  Following a plan update, some students may also find that their total meals remaining only reflects a weekly plan (such as "A" or "D"), rather than a larger block plan.  When this happens, the total number of available meals can be corrected manually in iMAP.

Global Scanning Problems

Scanning problems of a global nature also occasionally occur.  In one instance, the server was disabled because the network adapter for the virtual machine was lost.  Users were not able to remotely access the server.  This was also accompanied by "Invalid port number" messages on the server.  Pioneer staff were also running reports on the server when the problem arose.  The Network Team staff had to reconnect the network adapter and set the static IP address, directly through the VMWare console.

General iMAP Issues

- If scanning is proceeding normally but Pioneer staff indicate they can't see / can't find the iMAP window which has the list of scanners and numbers of scans, it may be that the windows was accidentally minimized and is "hiding" down on the task bar.  If someone clicks on the icon in the task bar, the iMAP window should return.  Note that simply double-clicking the iMAP icon on the computer desktop (normally used to start iMAP) will not restore the iMAP window when it has been minimized.

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