OCOG Batch Upload Information

OCOG (Ohio College Opportunity Grant) Batch Upload Instructions:

Each semester following census date and the required 15 days after the first day of classes, the Financial Aid Office (FAO) can submit a batch file of CU students who have been awarded OCOG.  This file will be submitted to the State of Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) for semester payment of the award.


  1. Once Census date has passed, the FAO will review all students’ aid and make appropriate changes for full-time (FT), three-quarter-time (TT), half-time (HT), and quarter-time (QT).  At that time, the students' OCOG amounts will be adjusted accordingly.  The batch upload must not occur until all adjustments have been made on the students’ accounts.
  1. These are students who are listed as “Anticipated” for OCOG, as residency is verified and documented, and they are on the OCOG roster with the ODHE.  Do not submit students who are "pending" (action code "P" in AIDE) for OCOG for the academic year, since it is unclear if they will actually receive the OCOG award.
  1. For documentation purposes, and to balance later in the semester/year, it is helpful for the FAO to run a report for OCOG right after census, to get the amount of hours for which the students have been registered at the time of census.  The report should be kept on file for reference.  This will provide proof of how much the student was eligible to receive for the term.  There are often cases where a student at 12 hours at census date will drop a class and be at 9 hours later.

Operational notes from IT information regarding OCOG:

RUN.REPORT FA.REP OCOG.CERTIFICATION from the Redwood colon prompt.

The report run in September is for that Fall semester. Use the same year for term year and financial aid year.  (Example: In September 2018, run Autumn (AU) 2018 file for financial aid year 2018.)

The report run in January is for that Spring semester. Use the current year for term and the previous year as financial aid year.  (Example: In January 2019, run Spring (SP) 2019 file for financial aid year 2018.)

The report run in August is for the Summer semester.  It is run late in the term due to the varied start and end dates for summer courses.  Use the same year for term year and financial aid year.  (Example: In August 2018, run Summer (SM) 2018 file for financial aid year 2018.)  Note: This makes OCOG a "summer header" award.

As noted above, term codes used for OCOG processing are AU for fall, SP for spring, and SM for summer.  As of September 2018, these same codes are used as the suffixes for saved lists that are generated, thus eliminating the previous need for the use of "term numbers".

The Output File Name is from 2 to 31 characters, as determined by the user.  There is no need to specify an extension as part of the file name, as it will default to ".txt".

This process creates the output file in J:\fa\docs, which can be moved to another Financial Aid Office folder (i.e. subfolder under J:\fa\State Grant Programs\OCOG).

This will also create a report in the HOLD queue; use MINE to access the report.

Track and communication codes previously used with students for OCOG (e.g. FT24OCOG, FR24OCOG) are now being superseded (starting with academic year 2025-26) by more general "OHIO" codes, to be used for multiple types of Ohio scholarships.

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