🔒 DUO Two-Factor Authentication Troubleshooting

Two-factor Authentication is an additional security method that increases your University account security by requiring of a second layer of authentication when logging into your account. 

  • First factor: Enter your Cedarville University username and password when logging into online resources.
  • Second factor: Next, you'll be prompted to confirm your identity using a device such as a mobile phone, tablet, or hardware token, by means of a mobile app, text message or generated code.  

To set up Two-Factor Authentication, please visit the Two-Factor Setup Page help page. 

If you have general questions about Two-Factor Authentication, please visit the Two-Factor Authentication FAQ help page. 

Common Problems with Two Factor Authentication

Not receiving pushes in Duo App


  1. Select "Other options" from the login screen

  2. Select "Duo Mobile passcode"

  3. Open the Duo app on your phone
  4. Tap "Show" next to Passcode in the Duo app

  5. Enter the passcode generated by the app on the login screen
  6. Select "Verify" 


  1. Verify that your phone is connected to the Internet
  2. Open the Duo App on your phone
  3. Swipe down from the top of the screen to force it to check for notifications
  4. If a green bar appears, tap it, and accept the verification request

If that doesn't work: 

  1. Uninstall the Duo app from your phone
  2. Reinstall the Duo app from the app store
  3. Reactivate Duo on your phone
  4. Test to see if the problem was resolve

Changed phones/phone numbers


  1. Call information technology at +1 937-766-7905 and request a bypass code for Two-Factor
  2. At the login screen, select "Other options" > "Bypass code"
  4. Enter the bypass code you received from IT
  5. Click "Verify"


Use the instructions here: Reactivate Duo to reactivate your device. 

Prompting for Two-Factor too often

Solution: Use the "Yes, trust browser" when prompted. Duo will remember this device for 31 days. 

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