Google Calendar: Invite Others to an Event

To Invite Someone to Your Calendar Event: 

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the “Calendar” link and log in to your account.
  3. Click the [Create] button to create an event from scratch (visit the Create an Event help page to learn how to do so) or click on an existing event and click “Edit event.”
  4. Locate the “Guests” section at the right side of “Event details.” Enter the email address of each guest and click [Add]. Each name will be listed under yours in the “Guests” section.
  5. Click [Save] when you are finished. You will be asked if you would like to send invitations to your guests. This will send them an email notifying them of the invitation and give them a chance to respond. If you do not send an invitation, the event will simply display on their calendars (where they can then reply yes, no, or maybe).  
  6. To view the guest list, click on the event and then “More details.” Here you can check each guest’s response.
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