Google Calendar: Edit a Calendar

Once you log in to your Google account, you can access Google Calender by clicking the [Google apps] icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. Under the drop-down menu, select the [Calender] icon.

You can add different event categories to your Google Calender by creating "calenders". You can view the list of calenders under "My calenders" in the left side panel. From here, you can organize each calender by color and name. 

To change the display color:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the calendar's name.
  2. Choose one of the colors in the palette. 

To change the calendar's name:

  1. Click the drop-down menu next to the calendar.
  2. Click "Calendar settings" in the resulting list (the "Personal details" screen will open).
  3. Change the name in the "Calendar Name: field.
  4. Click [Save].
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