Guest Network Access

If you are a guest of Cedarville University, we want to welcome you and encourage you to use the technology on campus, especially CU's wireless network, CedarNet.

Here are some of the options available to you for connecting to CedarNet. These options will appear when you click to access wireless on a laptop or another mobile device: 

  • cu-events (secured): If you are here for a specific event on campus, you should receive a password (from your event coordinator) for this connection option. These Printable Instructions explain this option in further detail.
  • cu-guest (unsecured): This option is available to anyone on Cedarville's campus but is not secured. With this option, users will have to reconnect approximately every 40 minutes. 
  • eduroam (secured): This connection option requires a CedarNet username and password (use the full email address as the username when connecting to the network). If you are a current student, faculty member, or staff member, see the Create Guest CedarNet Account help page to set up a temporary account for your guest.

If you have any questions or experience any difficulties, please contact the Help Desk at 937-766-7905 for assistance.

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