Office Devices : Request a Temporary Setup

Who can use it?

Cedarville University Faculty and Staff

What is it?

Tech2Go and AV Equipment Request.  Services offered for University personnel needing temporary setups for University functions. 


A service offered for individuals who do not possess a University owned notebook or need one for campus events. 

Temporary notebooks can be requested for maximum of 2 weeks, pending approval.

AV Equipment Request:

A service offered for University personnel requesting AV equipment setups across campus

Setup types include the following:

  • Techcarts in classrooms
  • 42" TV and DVD players
  • 42" TV for laptop displays
  • TV / VHS / DVD
  • Document scanners
Where to get it?

Submit a new setup request by clicking on the Request Temporary Setup button.

How to use it?

When completing the request form please be as specific and complete as possible.  Select all items needed for the setup and we will contact you with confirmation and questions as needed.

How much does it cost?

There are generally no costs associated with these services.  Requested setups within 2 business days of an event may be subject to a $20 late fee.  

Request Temporary Setup


Service ID: 24510
Fri 11/17/17 2:30 PM
Sun 1/21/18 4:31 PM